What is eco-cleaning?

Was ist Ökoreinigung?? Die Ökologie hält immer stärker Einzug in die verschiedenen Lebensbereiche, auch in die Haushaltsreinigung. Vielleicht ist Ihnen der Begriff Ökoreinigung schon einmal begegnet. Aber was bedeutet das wirklich und ist es ein Trend, dem man folgen sollte? In diesem Artikel werden wir versuchen, Ihre Zweifel zu zerstreuen. Ein sauberes Haus ist […]
How is our health affected by dust in the home?

Have you ever wondered what dust actually is and how it affects our health? In our blog you will find a handful of important information on this topic.
Household chemicals. Are they safe for health?

To make dirty surfaces clean again, people resort to various means, which are touted by manufacturers in their commercials. They assure you that they are easy to use and incredibly effective, and the beautiful packaging is tempting. But when choosing household chemicals, can you really know what you are buying?
Delegation as a Key Factor in Achieving Professional and Personal Goals

In today's fast-paced world, we often face a multitude of tasks and responsibilities, both in our professional and personal lives.
The Importance of Thorough Cleaning 1-2 Times a Year

Regular cleaning is key to keeping our living and working environments clean and tidy.
Why should your company be kept in order?

As an employer, you should be aware that the cleanliness of your business has an impact on the efficiency of the operation and, in turn, your bottom line. There are a number of reasons for regular cleaning. And it's not just about aesthetics. Health and psychological factors are just as important as image arguments.